YOU are not the person attending please avoid confusion on the day of the
show by making sure they have read this!
not sure how it works? Call or Email me!L ME!
Tabletop Displays are anything
on your table, regardless of size, that makes it necessary for the exhibitor
to stand in front of the table. These types of displays are welcome...but
MUST be noted on your registration form! Because a 'science fair type' display
and/or someone standing in front of the table blocks the view of other exhibitors
these set-ups will be placed around the edges of the room to make it easier
to view.
If your table does NOT fit this description please do not register for this type; spaces are limited!
Exhibitors standing in front of their table will be asked to move.
How big is my space? |
exhibiting company receives a 6 foot by 2 1/2 foot table, covered with a WHITE PAPER/PLASTIC BACKED TABLECOVER or a cloth table cover (depending on what is available at the time). There is no area behind the
table other than for seating. |
I have lots
of stuff to bring...where can I put it besides on the table? |
Nowhere. Per regulations all materials must be on top of the table provided. This
means no floor displays of any kind! You may choose to bring a SINGLE Banner stand type display but they may be used but ONLY if you have registered in advance. |
What about my big table-top
display? |
We're happy to have
it...but you MUST indicate that you
are bringing it on your registration form! We put oversized displays (see definition
above) along the edges of the room in order to maximize the visibility.
This way everyone can see if a special customer is heading their way! |
I handle two companies...how
can they both best be represented? |
tables are available for brokers and affiliated companies that need a smaller
physical space. Each exhibitor
receives half a table, 8 category listings, directory
listing, and all the publicity given to other exhibitors under
their own name!
a. No more than 2 companies can split a table.
b. You must order both halves of the table...we can't sell half tables for
you! |
a broker/distributor and want my name
in the show material! |
No problem.
Brokers may order tables and place materials from more than one principal
on the tables but all signage, name badges and directory listings
will be under the brokerage name only. If your principal wants to exhibit under their company name then they can register separately and request to be assigned to the same area right on the registration form..
Many exhibitors combine a main table with split tables in the same area. |
This is my one
chance each year to chat with my golfing buddy. Can you put our tables together? |
Every effort will be made to place affiliated companies and friends together.
However, BOTH companies must request
this (in case they're not as anxious to see you as you are to see them!) |
Why do I have to
pay for sign lettering again? |
signs are required for all exhibitors.
Here's how the program works...
First time exhibitors and those who did not exhibit in the past year are required to order a table sign.
b) The signs are designed to be left at the show for future use. We'll store them and bring them back the next year. (That
way we won't need to charge you for a new one.)
c) Changed your company name? A new sign must also be ordered by you since new lettering has to be ordered by us! |
I know the
show hours are from 3:00 PM to 6 PM...but how long do I REALLY have to be there? |
attendees are only able to arrive later in the afternoon; some can only
stay for the first hour. Arriving late (or packing up early) sends them
the message that you aren't interested in seeing them...and you could possibly
miss an important contact! |
How do I get my
stuff to (and from) the Riverside Convention Center? |
Displays and other
show materials can be shipped to arrive at
the Rochester Riverside Convention Center no earlier than the day before the show.
Please mark all packages
clearly with the following information...
Company Name
WNY Food Industry Expo
March 25 2025
Complete Re8urn Address
And send to:
Joseph A. Floreano Rochester
Riverside CC
123 East Main St.
Rochester, NY 14604
The RRCC provides convenient return shipping. Please be sure to have tape and completed return shipping documents. Pack your materials, attach shipping documents and leave your materials right on your table.
You MUST call your carrier and request pickup AFTER 6:30PM (The RRCC cannot release materials unless they receive a request from the carrier.)
Riverside CC
123 East Main St.
Rochester, NY 14604
The Convention Center is attached via a covered walkway on the second level to the Hyatt, Hilton Garden and the parking garage, Bring to, or arrange shipping with, the hotel and you can use a luggage cart to transfer your supplies without having to go outside.
Now...what do I wear? |
This is a "business casual"
show...no need for a tie. Golf shirt and khakis are fine! |
here. |
Read the rules?
